8115 pale moon rd
8115 pale moon rd

Regular check of vitamin B12 and iodine levels is essential to identify the health problems early. There is also relation between carbon monoxide exposure and small moons. On the other hand, deficiency of iodine is linked to breast cancer. Lack of vitamin B12 is linked with loss of coordination and memory, lack of energy and depression among other conditions. Scientists have found that lack of moons on fingernail may suggest deficiency of vitamin B12 or iodine which normally feeds the thyroid gland. Small or no moons are thought to indicate low blood pressure or underactive thyroid gland. Moons, light half moon shaped, are situated at the base of the fingernails.

8115 pale moon rd

No moon on the fingernail is one condition. What does this condition indicate? Are there ways you can have healthy fingernails? Changes in the shape, color, texture and thickness of the nails and any unusual growth pattern can be the indicators of a recent physiological and health problem.

8115 pale moon rd

Do you know that fingernails could tell much about your health? There are numerous health conditions and diseases which cause changes to the nails.

8115 pale moon rd

Perhaps you do not look very often on your fingernails.

8115 pale moon rd